Terran Offence

- by Murtaza Jamali
If one hasn't realized yet, basic Terran infantry are weak (marines, firebats). In the beginning, if you know your opponent isn't rushing, you must use these units strictly as defense. Just put them in bunkers, etc. Now, the bulk of your terran force should be cloaked units, and air units while you attack. Research cloak on wraiths and ghosts immediately, and start building up and strengthening on these units with upgrades. If you sit back and think, opposition detector units either cant move, or are mobile and very weak. With the immobile detectors (spore colonies, missile turrets, photon cannons), just swerve around them and get out of their range. With weak units (overlords, observers (use your comsat to find them, obviously you know one's around if your enemy can see and attack you while you are cloaked)), just target them and take them out quickly. Often, an enemy will build a massive defensive barrier around his base where no cloaked unit can get by...Just get a section of it! Ghosts can easily stay out of the range out detector units and still nuke them if you have upgraded their sight range. As soon as the wall of defense has been broken, invade. This strategy can be used as a great defense too...Usually the enemy doesn't bring many detector units with his attack. Terrans usually bring 1 Science Vessel - take it out quick, Protoss usually bring 1 Observer - find it with Science Vessel or Comsat Station and take it out, and through my experience, Zerg usually bring nothing at all...come on, who's going to bring a slow, stupid overlord with them? If they do, take it out! So take these detectors out quick, and neutralize the enemy attack.

Terran Rush - by [email protected]
Rushing with the Terrans can prove to be easy... just build about 3 barracks (any more would be unsupportable both by supply depots and minerals early on) and just keep on pouring out marines. You should have a good number of SCVs in order to KEEP THE BARRACKS CONSTANTLY BUILDING UNITS. If you can find them early before they get anything advanced (like siege tanks/reavers/scouts/carriers, etc) you can easily overwhelm them with marines. Although marines ARE extremely weak, they're also extremely cheap... if the enemy goes for more advanced units, his defending force won't be big enough to defend against it. It looks really cool if you're playing team or coop or something, and the other person does it as well... A rainbow of death! This works great because the marines can shoot air units, so that you can take out anything they manage to launch because it'll usually be just a sole scout/wraith, which dies EXTREMELY fast against 36+ guns turned on it...
The only problem is if the enemy gets siege mode. Siege tanks cause large masses to fall by the dozens per shot, greatly diminishing your forces. However, if the level is more spread out and the entrance isn't too tight, the siege tanks won't stand a chance... :)
This is also useful for those who don't like to rush. I could be used to stop a rush.